Dear visitors,
Here I share an insight into the experiences of my customers. Maybe one of them inspires you spontaneously because you desire a similar outcome. I am here to support millions of people in living the life of their dreams, because the Golden Rule states: "What I want for myself I want for everyone." - Wallace D. Wattles
May you, too carry this sentence in your heart and to the world.

"You, yes you Rabea, have created something really amazing.
I find love, joy, confidence and self-belief within myself.
A feeling that cannot be put into words and I could only cry with happiness. Thank you thank you. It's just beautiful."
"Rabea, I actually notice that I am much more focused after your practice. Thank you for that. I also had a bit of muscle soreness even though I didn't do any exercise. This focused and relaxed feeling has lasted for two weeks now."
"Dear Rabea, the longer I have your painting hanging in my home, the more impressive I find your achievement and your beautiful painting full of depth. Depending on the light, the colors and the play of colors and the inner glow of the picture change. I am very proud to have purchased one of your first paintings. Thank you from the bottom of my heart."
"With her calm presence and her confident voice, Rabea guided me through a short consciousness optimizing session that I will remember for the rest of my life. As she was guiding me an image came to my mind of me breaking free. Whenever I am feeling down or challenged I just recall this image and instantly the solution presents itself."
- Yamile